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Our Mission

It's simple!  We exist to help students–like you–on your journey of faith while you’re at
Wayne State College.

So What Exactly is Crosspoint?

CrossPoint is an inter-denominational ministry locally supported by the First United Methodist Church of Wayne and the First Presbyterian Church of Wayne, and regionally supported by the Disciples of Christ, the Elkhorn Valley District of the United Methodist Church, the Nebraska Conference of the United Church of Christ, and Homestead Presbytery
We work together–believing that faith is bigger than church names– and bring with us a rich heritage of discipleship and justice work.


We at CrossPoint want to join with you as you explore what it means to be. To be a student. A friend. A disciple. And along the way we know that you will shape our organization as we also learn how to be.

Want to know more about us?

We promise we won't run after you with pitchforks or criticize any mullets that come into Crosspoint.  Crosspoint is a safe place for all where we can dig deeper into God's word and get challenged by it.  So if you want to know more about us, you can do one of two things (I supposed you can do both if you really want to).  First - check out the rest of our website.  We have tons of things going on, so check it out and get on board.  OR Second - you can just stop by sometime to one of the things we're doing.  Got questions?  Bring them.  Need help?  We're here for you.  Got Jesus?  If not, we'll tell ya about Him :)

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