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Recent news​

Director's Blog: Crafting the Vision

What is Crosspoint?  Where does Crosspoint fit in?  That is a great question I have been asking myself that exact question a lot lately.  Something I've been praying about frequently too.  Just starting new into Crosspoint this has been on my mind from the get go.  In fact in my first interview with the Crosspoint board, they asked me where does Crosspoint fit in at Wayne State College.  To be honest, at that time, I wasn't quite sure where....

$1,000 turned into $4,000


Recently we had an anonymous donor step-up to the plate to match up to $1,000 of donations that came into Crosspoint.  Then the First United Methodist Church agreed to match those entire funds.  Therefore by raising only $1,000 that was turned into $4,000!  How exciting?!  Thank you to all the donors who gave to make this happen!  Crosspoint is continuously moving forward in what we're doing.  If you would like to be a part of what we're doing then click the Donate button below.

Children 18:3 Concert a Success!


On August 19th we kicked off the year with a bang, with Children 18:3 in Ramsey Theater!  Thank you to everyone who came out and joined us for this great night.  We also drew winner's for over 100 packages of Ramen Noodles!


Want to see the pictures from this?

Year-Kick-Off Events Announced!


We're kicking off the year in a big way with Crosspoint Campus Ministry!  

Check out these events that we have planned to kick off the 2013-2014 School year.
August 15th - Open House
August 17th - Spaghetti Supper for WSC Students
August 19th - Year Kick-Off Concert with Children 18:3
August 26th - First Crosspoint Meeting


Keep checking our events page to see what else we have going on!

$1,000 Quadruple Challenge

Great news!  A private donor has stepped up to match up to $1,000 of all donations that come in and an organization through the First United Methodist Church in Wayne has agreed to match all those funds that are both donated and that are matched!  So by raising $1,000 we can actually raise $4,000 for Crosspoint Campus Ministry!


At this current time we have raised $570 towards the matching challenge!  Only $430 left to go.  If you would like to donate towards the matching challenge click the donate button below!

Josh & his wife, Brittany pictured
near the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco, CA.


New Campus Ministry Director

Meet Josh, our new campus ministry director!  We're excited to welcome him to Crosspoint and excited for you all to meet him.  Rather than us tell you about him, we'll let him talk about himself.

Hey everyone!  I am super excited to be joing Crosspoint and excited to see what God is going to do at Wayne State College.  I currently reside in Randolph, NE but grew up in the buzzing metropolis of Allen, NE (it's actually super tiny).  I graduated as valedictorian in 2008 and have been working hard at ministry as the director of Cross Rock Ministries ever since I was 15 years old.  After graduating, I took a short internship at a church in Louisville, KY before I took criminal justic classes at northeast community college in Norfolk, NE..........

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